
Code for Japan Night Restaurant Kaigi #65

Thu, 26 Mar 2015 19:00 - 22:00 JST

Night Restaurant MACARONI

Akabanenishi 4-31-16, Kita-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan


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Free admission
By a Dutch treat, a dinner where each person pays for his own. Average 5000 JPY for drinking person and 3000 JPY for not drinking.


Sakura 1st Night restaurant meeting of Code for Japan at Kita-ku Akabane in TokyoBeers

The last Meetup in fiscal year 2014 will be held at Night restaulant Macaroni as a Beer meeting from beginning to end.

This time we will have a Civic Hack Night with alcohol!
We would like to talk about Civic Tech and ply you with Beer and snacks.
Join us to dissect a new topic, sharing best practices, challenges and opportunities with each other.

There are 46 times Idobata-Kaigi in this fiscal year from #20 on Apr. 3rd last year to this #65 Meetup. Except the dates same with the official Code for Japan event, learning workshops and summit, almost all the every Thursday we have held the Meetups tirelessly. The location of the Meetups was held in Omiya, Saitama as northernmost, Yokohama, Kanagawa as southernmost, Hachiouji, Tokyo as westernmost and Kashiwa, Chiba as easternmost, in all over Kantou plain.
Within this year, so many people had gathered at the Meetups and much talking has been occurring in a variety of areas.

The venue for this Meetup is "Night restaurant, Macaroni", a popular pub in Akabane. At a glance you feel weird, but the pub owner is a friendly, straightforward and openhearted guy. You can check this pub on YouTube.

The location of Macaroni seems to be difficult to find, then we will go together from the Akabane station. If you want to go with us, please wait at in front of the convenience store named "New Days" on the west side of the North exit of the station at 18:45.

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Code for Japan

Code for Japan

Launched in Fall 2013, Code for Japan is a national nonprofit organization working to build open source technology and organize a network of people dedicated to making government services simple, ...

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